In Person Or Online



Need someone to talk to about sensitive topics, outside your current support team? You’re eager to have a space to ask all the actual nitty gritty questions, to find out how to show up for a date and how to actually be in a romantic relationship. If you’re ready to learn the skill that is being in relationships - this is for you.

These sessions are all about You - we unpack what your goals are for our sessions & devise a strategy for how to get there; working on skills to build resilience, self advocacy and safety whilst embarking on this exciting journey of building relationships.

Ranging from how to build more lasting friendships, to understanding your own sexuality and sexual expression in a manner that honours who you are but also allows you to explore a truly organic and wholesome activity with another person.

Sessions are 1:1 however can be adapted for couples upon application, this can be a great option if you’re currently in a relationship however would love to explore certain topics in this neutral environment. 

We work together to design support around your current goals and plan, the intention is to build on your current support network, building on progress you’ve made with other allied health professionals; the ideal outcome is to have you feeling more confident embarking on relationships, whether that be platonic or romantic.

NDIS Participants & Plan Managers - this service falls within Capacity Building so please get in touch to learn more.

In Person or Online


I offer expert Consultancy Services to Service Providers, family members & other professionals within the Disability Sector.

Sometimes you don’t want (or need) to be coached, you just want to ask some very specific questions about a particular topic and want expert advice - this is the consultancy service I offer. 

It’s unique, one of a kind and incredibly rewarding to get an answer tailored to your specific situation.

For parents - it can sometimes feel icky talking to your kids about sex related topics, not because sex is yuck but because you’re not sure they want sexual advice from you because you’re mum & dad. With a consulting session we can discuss ways you can support your kids to have healthy relationships, give ideas for how best to support them if navigating rejection or how to remain safer when commencing a sexual relationships. 

For professionals - Sex Education may not be within your comfort zone & thats completely fine, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea - however if you want a couple of tools in your tool belt to help you navigate relationship conversations without causing shame or embarrassment for your clients these sessions can be really helpful.

What to expect:

+ Deep dive into what the issue is and how you need support 

+ Consult notes to refer back to when you need the refresher

+ Action plan designed for you to handle topic with confidence moving forward

It’s a one-of-a-kind session, tailored to your needs and sure to have you feeling empowered for the next time the topic comes up and you’re asked questions.

In Person


The environment for these workshops is inclusivity and engagement, we’ve all been to workshops before that have you bored out of your brain, scrolling & continually checking your watch to see if it’s lunch time yet.

Do NOT expect that with these workshops.

They are fun, engaging and judgement-free, whether you are booking one for your Support Staff to improve their confidence chatting safe sex with clients or you’re a Support Coordinator planning a group session for clients who are all eager to start dating but don’t seem to have a handle on online safety yet.

I offer a range of pre-designed & bespoke trainings on a vast array of topics relating to relationships and sex that are specifically created to make Sex Education accessible to all people within the Disability Sector. 

The pre-designed Workshop topics include:

+ Relationships & Communication

+ Dating: Emotional & Physical Safety

+ Consent & Self Advocacy

+ Sex, Sexuality, Intimacy & Sexual Aids

Can’t find exactly what your clients need? Try a bespoke session - we jump on a call and flesh out the topics you feel your Staff or Clients really need right now.


send Courtney a message now with details about what you want to know..