Essential Skills for the Disability Community

Empowerment and Relationships

Hi, I'm Courtney

.. well clearly because my name is allll over the place 😂

I tried to write this super professional and straighty 180 version of me but it's tooootally not who I am so let's just dive into things.

My vibe is all things empowerment, I want people to feel confident and at home in their own skin, needs, desires and sexuality. Relationships fascinate me and I adore helping people find a connection that seriously tickles their jollies and makes them feel butterflies.

I work in a few different ways but primarily I support people within the disability sector.

Through 1:1 personalised sessions and group trainings, I help clients remove their fear and anxiety around building healthy relationships, embarking on sexual journeys and connecting with people like never before.


1:1 Relationship support

Looking for a supportive space to explore friendships, relationships, and everything in between? Courtney offers personalized 1:1 sessions that are all about you!

Forget the clinical vibes, or the poor advice you've had from Uncle Phil who has never had a real GF and doesn't know what Netflix and chill are actually implying – here, you can ask anything and everything about respectful relationships, setting boundaries, sexuality, and consent. Our goal is simple: to help you embrace your unique self and build the confidence to shine in all your connections, whether they’re friendly or romantic. Let's embark on this journey together and unlock your full potential!



Gone are the days of butchers paper and boring PowerPoints, Courtney offers interactive workshops you will be begging to attend.

The Workshops are designed for people interested in building their confidence having more inclusive & empowering conversations about sex and relationships. Support Staff find these trainings to be incredibly helpful to go on and have more informed conversations with their clients.

Feel completely supported as you learn about heaps of relevant concepts you can actually use.


hear from courtney's happy clients


"Huge! Even ask my family! I’ve had incredible change in my life since working with Courtney. It’s been incredibly motivating and uplifting at a time I was in desperate need of changes in my life.”


"Real, honest, non judgmental and exciting! I’d be bopping around work after a session with you! I always leave a session with you ready and keen to give the things we talk about a go!”